Crochet Waffle stitch | Free Pattern and Chart

The crochet waffle stitch is a beautiful stitch having deep texture. It has deep square dips on the upside, which give this stitch a breakfast waffle-like texture. This stitch consists of a sequence of two rows. These two rows are made from very simple stitches. The repetition of two rows makes his stitch easy to learn. This is quite easy to learn for beginners. Crochet waffle stitch is commonly used for baby blankets, pillowcases, bedspreads, floor cushions, pot holders and wash_clothes.

If you are an expert crocheter you can use this stitch in making more items. This stitch is also suitable for baby sweaters and ladies cardigans.

For making this stitch you need to master only three simple stitches.


size 4 weight yarn

size H hook

tapestry needle


Stitches and Abbreviations:

ch     __  chain

dc     __  double crochet

fpdc  __  front post double crochet

st(s)  __ stitches


This gauge is only for the mentioned size of yarn and needle. If you are using a different size of yarn or needle, the gauge must be different.

8 sts = 2 inches

6 rows = 2 inches

Tutorial for Crochet Waffle Stitch:

Foundation chain:

For making waffle stitch you have to make a chain that is multiple of 3 plus 2 stitches. Please note that I am not counting my turning chains as a stitch.

Make a chain of 17 stitches.

Row 1: make a dc in 3rd ch from the hook and each stitch across the row. (15 dc)

Row 2: ch 2, turn, 1 dc in 1st st, fpdc in next st, 1 dc in next st, *make 2 fpdc in next 2 sts, 1 dc in next st*, repeat *to* until the end of the row.

Row 3: ch 2, turn, work 2 dc in next 2 sts, * make 1 fpdc in next st, 2dc in each of next 2 sts*. Repeat * to * until the end of the row.

Continue the repetition of row 2 and row 3.

Here is the chart for waffle stitch.